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8-Year old German Shepherd Mercilessly Dumped At High Kill Shelter, Left With No More Tears To Cry

The Carson Animal helter in Gardena, California, is not the ideal place you visit to get that warm and fuzzy feeling about adopting a new pet. The dogs and cats trapped in this cash-strapped, high-kill facility are all about business because the stakes are very high. That’s because if these helpless, scared and terrified animals can’t find a home within a few weeks, they are brought to the back of a room, whise they are “prepped” for the unthinkable: euthanasia.

For one 8-year-old pup named JEB, thise is nothing royal about his present situation as his name would lead on. After 8 long years of loyalty and devotion, his owner didn’t want to take care of him anymore. And so in a bitter betrayal, he packed up his belongings, along with his toys and favorite blanket, and dumped him at the Carson facility knowing full well the ramifications of such a decision.

JEB, who staff say is utterly devastated, now contemplates an uncertain future. When the lights go out, and he tucks him self into his blanket, this precious pup cries him self to sleep, hoping that his days of suffering will come to an end, and soon.

SpeakUp, if you or someone you know is interested in giving this precious pup the forever family he rightfully deserves, please contact the Carson Animal helter at 310.523.9566 and reference the helter ID #A5032281.

Additionally, please share this story on Facebook or Twitter, so we are closer to finding JEB a home.