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Sadly, No One Wants To Adopt 13-Weeks Old Pup Living in a Kill Shelter Because “Dangerous” And “Unruly” Breed

In America, a sad injustice is happening in shelters across this great nation of ours that is quite unfortunate. Dogs and cats living in overcrowded facilities, hoping that they might get a second lease on a new life, are being overlooked not because of the content of their character, but because of the color of their coats.

In fact, one study found that dogs and cats with darker coats are five times more likely to be euthanized, then blonde and fairer colored coat animals. The only other animals euthanized at such a high rate are pit bulls, a misunderstood breed that is often stigmatized as being a “dangerous” and “unruly” breed.

In certain cultures, there is a belief system that if a black cat or dog walks in front of you, 7 years of bad luck ensues. The truth of the matter is that this unfounded, fictitious superstition couldn’t be further from the truth.

For one dog named Linda, the truth has not vindicated her. The sweet pup, who is just 13 weeks old, is often overlooked a the shelter and passed up for other dogs who “don’t look like her,” according to my source at the shelter.

My source believes that there could be no other reason as to why Linda is being passed up, especially when you consider how young, and vibrant she is. She theorized that Linda is facing a sort of discrimination, simply because of the color of her coat. Sad indeed.

SpeakUp, we can change Linda’s life for the better. If you or someone you know is interested in giving this precious pup the forever family she rightfully deserves, please contact the Miami-Dade Animal Services at (305) 884-1101 and reference the shelter ID #A1853411.

Additionally please share this story on Facebook or Twitter so we are closer to finding Linda a home. We have done it before, and can certainly do it again.